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  1. How to purchase a phone card from Telcard4U.com?

  2. Select a phone card from the web page, fill up the order form for the number of card you want to purchase and provide your information on our secured web page,then print the order from and mail to us.
    You will get the physical card and instruction from US mail . 
  3. Can I receive a physical phone card instead of just pin number and calling instruction by email?

  4. Yes. But there is a shipping and handing fee of $0.60 per card. Please be sure to include this charge in your payment if you want the physical phone card to be mailed to you.
  5. Can I pay by check?

  6. Yes. If you'd like to pay by check, please go to  shoppingcart  and make your check payable to us.
    In order to avoid delay of processing time, Please make sure the following information is provided and correct: 
    • Name of Phone card
    • Number of Phone card you want to buy
    If you need the physical cards to be mailed to you, please add $0.60/per card for shipping and handling.
    All price listed in this web site is in US dollars. If you purchase from overseas, please to  check with currency exchange rate of your currency to US dollars.
  7. What is connection fee or surcharge?

  8. Connection fee or surcharge is an extra charge deducted from your card every time you place a call. It ranges from $0.50 to $2.25 and varies from different card you use or different countries you call to.
  9. What is monthly charge or pin number maintenance fee?

  10. This is a periodic charge imposed by some cards and might happen if there is a residual value left on your account at the end of the period. It can be monthly, semi-monthly or weekly, starting from the day you first use your phone card. Pin number maintenance fee is the same as monthly charge.
  11. Is there any card that does not have these charge?

  12. Yes. Please check the disclaimer of each card.
  13. How do I know which card will have these charge?

  14. Please check the disclaimer of each card.
  15. Can I return or exchange after receive the pin number?

  16. Sorry, no return or exchange after we email you the pin number.

 (C) 2001 Tel's Enterprise Corporation. All rights reserved.
Fax: (775)8065626